Socket feet
Hollow foot, also known as pes cavus, is a condition characterized by an abnormal increase in the curvature of the longitudinal arch of the foot. This gives the foot a higher, deeper shape than normal, with excessive elevation of the plantar arch when standing.
Hollow foot can be congenital, often resulting from genetic factors, or acquired following neurological conditions such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, stroke or muscular disorders.
Hollow foot symptoms often include pain in the arch and heel, instability when walking, claw or hammer toes, and a predisposition to develop calluses on the ball of the foot and heel.
In some cases, the hollow foot can lead to excessive supination (outward rolling) of the foot, affecting gait and the foot’s natural shock absorption, which can contribute to other problems such as knee and/or back pain.
For more information or to receive a precise diagnosis and treatment plan tailored to your needs, consult your podiatrist at Mon Podiatre.