Therapeutic Laser
Are you seeking care from a specialized clinic? Clinique Mon Podiatre proudly collaborates in treating Olympic athletes. We provide one of the most powerful therapeutic lasers available, selected to enhance your treatment and promote quick, pain-free recovery. This approach benefits not only high-level athletes but also our entire patient base.
The laser therapy utilizes safe rays that penetrate both superficial and deep tissues responsible for pain, making the treatment painless as well.
It serves as an alternative to anti-inflammatories, reducing inflammation and edema, thereby improving symptoms and accelerating recovery.
- Increases formation of new blood vessels
- Promotes collagen production
- Aids in muscle regeneration
- Facilitates nerve regeneration
It offers an appealing alternative to traditional treatments, particularly anti-inflammatories. This non-invasive therapy accelerates recovery and enhances the quality of life for patients suffering from various musculoskeletal conditions.
Therapeutic laser treatment can be beneficial if you experience:
- Metatarsalgia
- Morton’s neuroma
- Plantar fasciopathy
- Tendonitis
- Muscle injuries
- Sprains
- Etc.
To benefit from our expertise and begin treatment with our advanced therapeutic laser, schedule your appointment today.