Main sur un pied d'un podiatre de la clinique Mon Podiatre Gatineau et radiographie Main sur un pied d'un podiatre de la clinique Mon Podiatre Gatineau et radiographie Main sur un pied d'un podiatre de la clinique Mon Podiatre Gatineau et radiographie

Frequent problems

Foot and ankle pain

Foot and ankle pain can be extremely disabling, profoundly affecting your ability to lead an active and comfortable daily life. Whether it’s a sharp pain that prevents you from walking normally, a nagging burning sensation that torments you with every step, constant tingling that disrupts your activities, or persistent discomfort that never seems to go away, these symptoms shouldn’t be ignored. They can be a telltale sign of more serious underlying conditions, such as unhealed wounds, chronic inflammation, or even structural deformities.

Not only can this pain limit your physical mobility, it can also alter your mood, disrupt your sleep and compromise your ability to perform essential daily tasks. In the long term, ignoring these symptoms can lead to more serious complications, increasing the risk of recurrent injury and permanent disability.

At Clinique Mon Podiatre, we understand how crucial it is to effectively treat foot and ankle pain. Our experienced podiatrists are here to offer you a thorough assessment of your condition and develop a personalized treatment plan to relieve your symptoms and restore your well-being. Contact us today to schedule your consultation at Clinique Mon Podiatre.

Hallux abducto valgus pied gauche.

Hallux abducto valgus (bunion)

Hallux abducto valgus, commonly known as "bunion", is a common foot deformity that mainly affects the big toe.

image d'une métatarsalgie pied droit


Metatarsalgia is a condition characterized by pain and inflammation in the heads of the metatarsals, the long bones in the front of the foot.

Douleur sur le dessus du pied associée à une fracture de stress.

Stress fracture

A stress fracture is a small crack or injury in a bone, often caused by repetitive or excessive stress rather than sudden trauma.

Patient présente une douleur a son talon

Plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis, also known as plantar fasciitis, is a common and often very painful injury caused by small tears in the plantar fascia.

Pieds présentant une déformation en orteil marteau

Hammer toes

Hammer toe is a deformity of the toes that gives the toe a hammer-like or claw-like shape.

Radiographie du pied (vue latérale) avec une épine de lenoir au niveau du talon.

Heel spurs

Heel spur refers to a bony growth that forms on the calcaneus (heel bone).

Patient présentant une douleur liée a de l'arthrose du pied et de la cheville

Osteoarthritis of the foot and/or ankle

Osteoarthritis of the foot and ankle is a degenerative joint condition involving the progressive destruction of articular cartilage.

Kyste présent sur le dessus d'un pied


Podiatric cysts are pockets of fluid that often form near joints or tendons in the foot.

Tendinite d'Achille sur pied gauche

Achilles tendinitis

Achilles tendinitis is a condition characterized by pain and inflammation of the Achilles tendon, which connects the calf muscles to the heel bone.

Douleur au talon

Fat pad syndrome

Fat pad syndrome, also known as plantar pad syndrome, is a painful condition resulting from inflammation or irritation of the fat pad under the heel.

Entorse de la cheville

Ankle sprain

An ankle sprain occurs when the ankle ligaments are stretched or torn, often due to a sudden twist.

douleur talon droit


Bursitis is inflammation of the bursa, a small fluid-filled sac that acts as a cushion between tendons, muscles and bones near joints.

image radiographique d'une exostose sur une phalange d'orteil


An exostosis is an abnormal growth of bone that forms on the surface of the bone.

infection du pied

Foot infection

A foot infection can be caused by a variety of micro-organisms such as bacteria, fungi or viruses, and can affect the skin, nails or deep tissues.

Pied présentant une douleur au talon

Haglund’s syndrome

Haglund's disease is a condition where a bony growth forms at the back of the heel, near the insertion of the Achilles tendon.

Image d'un pied creux

Socket feet

Characterized by a very pronounced arch in the arch of the foot.

Patient avec un pied plat tenant une orthèse plantaire

Flat feet

Characterized by little or no arch development.

Névrome de Morton montré sur un avant-pied

Morton’s neuroma

Painful condition of the foot often resulting from irritation of a nerve between the metatarsal heads.

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